More: “We Am…” Experidigmers: Groups Living Up (Path of Opportunites and Life Book 6) (English Edition)

Are you stuck in a defining and controlling “you are…” group going nowhere? Are you isolated even though you are surrounded by people? Do you ever ask, “How do I get MORE?” Get unstuck and participate toward NEXT using the MORE a “We am…” group can provide. Get access to MORE.

Unfortunately, our crowded world is losing the ability how to get MORE together and grow together toward NEXT. Learn how to onboard, evolve with and explore in groups. Build your joyful experiences (called experidigms) using MORE from productive groups.

I have been stuck in defining and controlling “you are…”groups and have broken free to pursue my NEXT experidigms while receiving MORE from participating in open “We am…” groups. Learn how by reading this book.

Move beyond the current routine. Live a life you can imagine. Rethink your world using “We am…” experidigm opportunities. Participate in productive “We am…” groups to receive many advantages. ‘We am…” productive groups create MORE, build MORE, offer MORE, share MORE, and give so much MORE. Get access to MORE. This book MORE: “We am…” Experidigmers celebrates how to participate in and explore with “We am…” groups to receive MORE joy. Build the NEXT experidigm (your future experience) with MORE perspectives, MORE variety, MORE choices, and MORE experidigms offered by the many “We am…” groups in which to participate. Stand on the “We am…” shoulders of NEXT and MO

